
From a Family

“Having a vocation that requires a lot of heavy lifting on a regular basis, Boris has become an invaluable resource for me to maintain physical alignment.  I have gone into his office many times in a great deal of pain.  The results and relief of pain are always successful.”
Theodore Herzberg, Herzberg Construction, Novato, CA

“I was in an auto accident in 2004.  I’ve had hip trouble on and off.  Boris was the first practitioner who was truly able to help me.  Boris is an exceptional person and gifted practitioner.  He synergizes his intimate knowledge of the physical body with his fine tuned intuition, a powerful combination that produces results.” 
Vlatka Herzberg, Novato, CA

More Testimonials…

“I am seeing Boris for the pain and discomfort in my lower back that has been chronic for more than three years.  After each treatment of Boris’ myofascial release work, I experience increasing relief from the pain.   
I appreciate the way Boris works with me in that he is understanding and willing to try what is best for me.  He helps in making corrections to eliminate the pain and trusts what I tell him.  The biggest difference in working with Boris is the time that he gives to me in trying to eliminate my pain and in trying to resolve my individual issues.  He really listens.
I would recommend Boris.  He really helps and is truly different in his approach to eliminating pain.”
Richard Micheli, Novato, CA

“I have received top class chiropractic treatments, working on my scoliosis, since I came to live in America over 30 years ago.
 My scoliosis was probably caused by a difficult birth and many sporting accidents which began the process of the misplacement of the fascia over my lifetime of 65 years.  These highly skilled professionals removed, or at least reduced, the pain for a while but the same areas of discomfort always returned.

Boris has done me the favor of working on my body for about three months now, and it is as though he is decompressing it.  I no longer feel dense, old and rickety.  My movements are much more fluid, my posture is improved, and the aches and pains are going away.  Boris’ bodywork has helped my chiropractic adjustments to be much more effective.  I am able to isolate many muscle groups which before, I now realize, I sensed as a ‘group muscle’.
In the past, after sporting accidents, I have received traditional Physiotherapy which was very painful. It was no where near as helpful and took much longer than my work with Boris, and in my experience, it did not include any cranial correction.  Boris does include cranial release work which besides helping my neck and spine noticeably improves my short term memory.
Boris is a very rare treasure. He considers painful treatments counter productive and offers his client the honor of being heard and being a joint navigator in the process. I feel very blessed to be under his gentle yet supremely effective care. Thank you, Boris.”
Gillean B., Sausalito, CA

“I am really pleased by the progress that I have made working with Boris Vilner; his body work is powerful and life-changing.
I have fallen on concrete several times, as well as having two car accidents. As a school teacher for twenty years, I have often suffered chronic neck and shoulder pain.  I assumed that my shoulders and neck, which had taken the brunt of the accidents, were being aggravated by paper grading.  I figured that in between chiropractic appointments, I would just have to put up with the aching and lack of flexibility. Happily, I have found that Boris Vilner’s body work sessions have not only helped restore power and vitality to my shoulders, back and neck, but has helped my entire frame.  During my first session, I noticed a dramatic difference in my walking and my stance after ligaments and muscles were balanced and stretched. I am very aware of an increase in strength which has been profound and lasting.
I have also had problems with my legs and knees. Some of the problems with my knees stem from tripping and falling on concrete, but I was convinced that the poor circulation in my legs –and the swelling in one ankle, in particular—was due to heredity. (Both my father and grandmother had poor circulation and major bruising/spider veins.) Boris has very patiently worked with me, gently and powerfully reawakening my feet and ankles. I am amazed at how dramatically my legs have responded. I feel more energy moving through my legs now than ever before. And, the perplexing swelling of the one ankle—which had lasted for over 10 months—is dramatically gone.
Boris has also helped me reclaim some of my breath capacity that I thought was lost. By untwisting fascia and ribs that had been stuck together, I have been freed up and now I am able to breathe more deeply and speak and sing with more power. I am also able to sit up much straighter without effort. I used to think that I was being lazy when I noticed my shoulders creeping forward and my core feeling “slack”; I am now sitting with more ease and feel much more vital in my posture, both sitting and standing. 
Besides being skilled and knowledgeable, Boris is very attuned to listening —both verbally and in perceiving minute communication from muscles and ligaments. I appreciate that he doesn’t impose a predetermined skill set on me; each session provides relief and unwinding of stress and tension. I have found that pain relief miracles are an everyday occurrence during a session with him.”
Elizabeth Dunlavy, middle school teacher, Novato, CA

“Boris uses a technique in which he applies pressure in the opposite direction of pain in the region that is problematic. 
In all my years of massage therapy, physical therapy and chiropractic care I have not encountered this ‘applying pressure in the opposite of pain technique.’ 
I  presented and explained to Boris the several areas of pain and discomfort that have been on going for many years:  a right side ‘Sciatica’ (22 yrs), tmj/jaw (15 yrs), left side shoulder blade (5 yrs), and left side neck and coller bone area (3 yrs).
Once Boris started working on me, I could literally feel the unwinding of: muscle tension, muscle knots, muscle intertwining, ligament binding, and even tangled nerves take place.  Not only has his technique alleviated my long standing pain syndrome(s), it does not hurt like traditional therapies do.
After Boris’ technique, of going in the opposite direction of pain:  my left side shoulder blade area was relieved immediately and a little bit of maintenance keeps it in check; the left side neck and collar bone area was relieved after a couple treatments and a bit of maintenance keeps it in check; the tmj was relieved in a couple of sessions and still remains in check; and my ‘Sciatica’ has been alleviated by around 60-70%.  We are still working on this long standing issue, but I feel so much more relief.  I do not have the chronic dull ache anymore.
Boris is also is a very good communicator.  He communicates with you during the session.  It feels like one is working concert with Boris to find and alleviate the pain syndromes.  He is very educated and knowledgeable regarding body anatomy.
The biggest part here is that Boris does not produce pain during his treatments, and also he gets results very quickly as described above.
I talk about Boris constantly among family and friends.  ‘You need to go to this guy, he can help you’.”
Glenn R. Lundberg, PsyD, MBA, MDiv, Novato, CA

“To:  Dear Jocelyn Olivier,  Director of Healus Clinic,
I’m writing to thank you and Healus for having a most wonderful professional resource, Boris Vilner, with whom I’ve had about 4 or 5 NMR treatment sessions.  
I’ve had remarkable results after each session.  A variety of tender-to-very painful trigger points throughout my body, which I’ve endured for years, have begun to disappear, as well as chronic lower leg pain. I walk more erect, feel muscle vitality, and have a burst of energy after each treatment. This is a remarkable approach, which far surpasses others I’ve tried, such as acupuncture and chiropractic adjustment. And, I cannot say enough about Boris’ ability to listen to my words and to my body, and gently create therapeutic movements that do not increase the pain, which I’ve often experienced with other bodywork. It’s just terrific, and I’m very grateful to have found this approach and this practitioner.
In gratitude,”
Francine (Szymanoski) Roby, San Rafael, CA

“I have scoliosis.  After my first session with Boris, there was a noticeable straightening of my spine.  Other practitioners were not able to help me, some made things worse.  Whenever I feel myself go out of alignment, Boris helps me come back into alignment.  I highly recommend Boris Vilner for anyone with back troubles.” 
Natasha Kolida, grade 11, Novato, CA

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