Preventing Pain Tennis Elbow

Prevention of a Tennis Elbow injury will always be so much better than a cure.

So what can you do to prevent a tennis elbow injury?

There are several things you can do which will dramatically lessen your chances of having a tennis elbow injury which incidentally afflicts thousands of players every year.

The first and most important thing is to select proper equipment. There are guidelines that need to be followed when selecting a tennis racquet, and this especially applies to the vast majority of players, who never play in a tournament, but equally suffer the greatest number of Tennis elbow injuries.

You must test as many racquets as possible before choosing the one for you, and take advice from your coach or a qualified salesman before parting with any money!.

It is best to choose a graphite racquet because it will lessen vibration and give you better torque control.

Don’t buy an oversized racquet because although the seet spot might be bigger, the area outside the sweet spot is very difficult and created excessive torque which leads to tennis elbow injury.

A racquet with a more flexible frame will reduce your chances of a tennis elbow injury.

A heavier racquet vibrates less, but don’t buy a racquet with a heavier head because they increase the risks. A heavier handle is OK. Really what you are looking for is a racquet with a high sweet spot, light head and good balance.

Make sure that the string tension is at the lower end of the specifications., and use synthetic nylon, making sure you get a restring every few months

When you are playing especially on clay do not allow the balls to get heavy. This has the potential to cause tennis elbow, so change them often, also when it is damp.

It is a good idea to get some lessons from a qualified tennis instructor, and ask them to pay particular attention to your technique.

This applies particularly to weight transfer and chest neck and shoulder being kept stable, so your shot making is better and there isn’t too much muscle tension.

Warm up properly before you begin, doing gradual stretching exercises for the wrist. Seek advice about the best exercises.

When you are playing tennis start your backhand from the shoulder not the forearm.

Bend your forearm on your forehand shots, so your biceps and shoulder take the force of your swing rather than your elbow .

Whatever you do, bend the arm when you serve. A straight arm and rigid wrist means the elbow takes all the shock of contact.

Finally, don’t put too much topspin on the ball when you play a ground stroke.

If you can do all this then you will dramatically reduce your chances of a tennis elbow injury

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Common Lower Back Pain Treatments

Like with a number of things, beginning with lower back pain treatment has to start somewhere. It must start with a number of basic steps.

Foremost, you have to be diagnosed of a certain condition and be sure that you have discussed with your doctor the lower back pain treatment that is appropriate with your case.

However, lower back pain may often be undiagnosable and many are caused by certain complications that are too hard to recognize even for experts on the field. For some cases on the other hand, symptoms are evident due to anatomical abnormalities and usually require immediate treatments.

For the more common lower back pain, treatment may start with the following routines:

· Rest
It is important to rest the spine when beginning the treatment yet it is equally important to note that rest must only comprise of a day or two. Other than this, resting may be more damaging than good as too much rest may lessen muscle strength. This may also lead to persistent lower back pain. After the symptoms subside, avoid too much physical exertion and activities.

Due to the nature of muscle strain, it is best to avoid irritation on the affected part especially on the spine and the muscles that surround this area.

· Anti-Inflammatory Medications or Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
Medications that are covered by NSAIDs are often used in treating inflammation associated with lower back pain and other pains. These medications may both be prescribed or may be bought over the counter.

· Heat Application
This procedure may help ease discomforts caused by muscle spasm that trigger lower back pain. Methods using heat may include hot water, hot bottles, hot bath and heating pads.

· Exercise
This probably is the most essential step in lower back pain treatment. This increases muscle strength and flexibility. Once muscle strength is increased, weight may be better distributed and less force will burden the spine.

· Narcotic Pain Medications
Narcotic medications may be both addictive and dangerous but they are rather effective against pain. It is important that the person using narcotic pain medications is under strict supervision.

· Muscle Relaxers
Muscle relaxing medications may be very effective in treating the symptoms of back pain through relieving muscle spasm. Among these are trade names such as Flerexil, Valium, and Soma.

· Physical Therapy
The focus of physical therapies is the exercises concerned on the back, naturally enough. Yet, if symptoms did no subside using this method, there are other forms of treatments that may be employed such as ultrasound, yoga and aquatherapy.

All these methods of treatments may be used separately or may be combined with other modalities to induce immediate body response.

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Natural Muscle Relaxants An Overview

Prior to the development of drug-based muscle relaxants, people have been using natural remedies to alleviate muscle spasms and soothe stiff joints. These natural muscle relaxants are often herbs and common plants that provide the same effect as drug-based relaxants without the compromise of possibly severe side effects. Some of these popular remedies for stiff joints and muscle spasms can be found right in one’s garden or in community health stores.

Common Natural Remedies for Muscle Spasms


Chamomile is a natural sedative that is often used not only for the treatment of muscle spasms, but also for common disorders like menstrual cramps, tension headaches, and neuralgia. The sedative properties of chamomile works by easing the tightness in the muscles while its anti-inflammatory qualities soothe stiffened joints.


An effective relaxant, valerian used to be known as the all-cure during the medieval times. Rightly so since this herb’s sedative properties has been used throughout the ages to cure disorders caused by muscle spasms and tension. Valerian is especially effective against contracted muscles and neck tension.


Particularly effective in alleviating smooth muscle tension, oils extracted from catnip are useful in relieving menstrual cramps and colic. Catnip also has anti-inflammatory qualities that help reduce swelling in the joints and muscles.

Other notable plants with antispasmodic properties include common herbs like basil, bergamot, cardamom, and caraway. Although taking natural muscle-relaxing agents has no or minimal side effects, it is still important to consult a doctor before taking any.

Tips on Taking Herbal Muscle Relaxants

Despite the relative safety and efficacy of any natural muscle relaxant, care should be taken in taking them. Below are some tips that can help maximize the benefits of these muscle relaxants:

1. Consult a doctor first. It is important to get the view of a health professional before taking any alternative muscle relaxant. The herbs may negate the effects of any medication you are currently taking.

2. Study the proper use of the herbs you intend to take. Be informed of the proper dosage and preparation of the herbs to maximize their effects. For example, only the roots of the valerian plant are used while an excessively high dosage of catnip can cause nausea.

3. Get herb supplies from a trusted source. These herbal remedies for muscle spasms can be cultivated in one’s garden. But, if it is not possible, ensure that the herbs you are going to use for relieving muscle spasms are prepared carefully. Chamomile can be bought in groceries or health food stores while valerian roots are available in capsule form. Take note of brand names and do some research to ensure your safety.

Taking natural remedies for muscle spasms is a convenient and healthy way to ease the discomfort of contracted muscles. With the right information and proper consultation with health professionals, anyone can benefit from these natural relievers of muscle spasms.

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What Causes Heel Pain

A common cause of heel pain is the heel spur, a bony growth on the underside of the heel bone. Heel spur syndrome is the best known heel problem, but plantar fasciitis is the most frequently encountered cause of heel pain.

Plantar fasciitis causes pain in the heel and bottom of the foot, especially noted upon first arising in the morning. If the pain persists, we recommend soft-soled shoes or heel pads or prescribe foot orthotics. There are many other causes of heel pain, which has become one of the most common foot problems reported by patients of podiatric physicians. If symptoms of heel pain develop, icing the foot should begin immediately.

Do not delay in seeking health professional advice for heel pain or any other foot problem because of something seen on ePodiatry. The heel bone is designed to be the first contact the foot has with the ground. Their pain referral is to the bottom of the foot, particularly to the heel. Therefore it is advisable for you to get a soft gel pad for your heels!

Usually, heel spur pain can be diagnosed during a physical examination. The pain from plantar fasciitis is not usually from the heel spur. The presence of a heel spur is no indication of the amount of pain that exists. The heel spur is caused by the same process as the heel pain, but the spur is not itself the cause of the pain. Indisputable evidence of the harmlessness of a heel spur is when trigger point therapy stops the pain.

Pressing on the bottom of the heel where the arch begins usually causes pain. That, in turn, can cause heel or arch pain as tissues in your feet are unduly stretched to make up for tight calves. A rupture can sometimes occur at the origin of the arch ligament and result in inflammation and heel pain. The pain is usually centered at a location just in front of the heel toward the arch.

Check the shoes that you most often wear, if a shoe can be bent in the middle (arch area) when flexed, it won’t help your heel pain because it gives too little support. Ask yourself if the pain around your heel is centered in front of the heel, towards the arch. Therefore, it is very important to invest in good quality shoes.

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Muscle Spasms & Muscle Knots

A spasm is an unexpected, violent and involuntary contraction of muscle or group of muscles accompanied by sudden burst of pain which is generally harmless but may interfere with function. It produces involuntary movement and distortion but ceases after a few minutes.

Spasms may occur due to disease, strain or injury to the muscle or nearby tissues. It could also be an impairment of circulation or disturbance of body chemistry which can be confined, severe or fairly generalized.

Painless or localized spasms are called tics. This involuntary movement of muscles, usually of the face, may seem to be a natural reaction or response to a certain stimulus but eventually, it will happen automatically even without any reason at all.

Spasmodic muscle contraction may also be due to a large number of medical conditions, however, including the dystonias.

Muscle spasms occur early after an injury takes place. It is characterized by a tightening of muscles in the area which could be painful at times but not always. Later on, when the basic injury is not fixed, muscle spasms form muscle knots which are painful and become part of the problem. Often times, it is this pain from the muscle knots that pushes a person to seek treatment of the injury. This is the case with injuries to the neck and back.

Muscle knots, also known as myofascial trigger points in medical term, are abnormal areas within the muscle which cause pain. There is still not much information as to what muscle knots really are. However, doctors made some biopsy test by cutting a piece out of muscle knots and results showed that some abnormal protein deposits seemed to be present in the sample tissue. Some treating practitioners believe that there is excessive connective tissue in these areas, but there is little evidence in the (unfortunately few) studies that have been done to support the idea of excess connective tissue.

The knots form because the spasm keeps the muscle working continuously around the clock which is beyond normal body function. Generally, our bodies move in normal activities with different muscles working in cycles. Since the muscles are not designed for such continuous work, time will come when muscle work overloads and forms these knots. That is why it is important that spasm is treated to help reduce this problem.

Treatment of muscle spasms and muscle knots depends on medical professional who is working most closely to you. Exercise is an important method to help with muscle spasms and muscle knots. Another helpful treatment is massage therapy to supplement other treatments. However, exercise and massage can become uncomfortable but the patient is expected to feel better later.

Several medications such as Soma (Watson) relax muscles and relieve pain and discomfort associated with strains, sprains, spasms or other muscles injuries. Muscle relaxants like Soma (Watson) are for specific muscle injury and pain and should not be used for general body aches and pains. Discuss Soma (Watson) uses with your doctor

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