Essential Information on Pain Relief

As you know, too much of anything is not good. This also applies to the use of drugs for pain relief. Being too dependent on drugs is also not good for your body. Because of this fact, many people are now turning to electronic machines or devices for pain relief. If you don’t want to feel any side effects from the use of pain reliever drugs, the best option would be the devices or machines. Such digital machines are convenient because once you wear them the pain relieving action takes effect. Your routine activities are not even affected.

Have you ever about the effectiveness of TENs? TENs or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation works through your skin. In order to use it, you will put the patch on the skin area where you feel any pain. This conductive patch will serve as the entry point of the electrical impulses from the TENs machine.

Your brain tells you that you’re in pain. The electronic impulses from the machine block the sensory nerves of your body so that the pain signals cannot go to the brain. If the pain signals are blocked, you will not feel any pain; thus, resulting to pain relief. The machine generates signals that aid in the release of ‘feel good’ hormones or endorphin.

Back pain is quite common and if you’re also suffering from it, you can try using the machine. According to a Swedish study, the machine really works. In fact, about 70% of workers were satisfied of the pain relieving results of the TENs.

The recent TENs kits already comes with an electrical probe which can help in stimulating the acupuncture points of your body. The machines always come with cautions so that users will know where to put the pads. For neck and head pain, you should follow the machine instructions so that you can determine the acupuncture points or the channels. Read the manual carefully so that you won’t encounter any problems.

For the machine to be effective, you should know how to position the electrode pads. If you’re suffering from joint or muscle pain, the pads should be positioned near the pain source. For those suffering from nerve pain (sciatic), the pads should be placed over the sides of the spinal column and the leg’s top portion. Consult your medical specialist and ask about the machine. There are lots of medical practitioners out there who encourage the use of TENs. They can help you in effectively using the equipment. Proper placement of the electrode pads is vital. Always follow the guideline of the manufacturer so that you can get the best results. Keep in mind that the electrode pads should not be placed over the brain/neck/throat nerves, as well as near your eyes.

The machine allows users to control the electrical signals received by the body. You should always check for the settings of the machine. Muscle twitching is an indication that the control setting is too high. Make sure that you feel only tingling sensations when using the TENs.

Don’t use the machine without the supervision of a qualified medical professional. You see, not all pain conditions can be relieved by the machine. Through expert help, you can determine if the TENs is the most suitable pain relief option for you. Ask your doctor now and if he or she recommends the use of the machine, you can always try it out.

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Alternative Pain Relief Options

Essential Information on Pain Relief
Pain Relief and Arthritis
Pain Relief and Hypnosis
Pain Relief and Yoga
Pain Relief for Your Aching Muscles
Pain Relief Info
Pain Relief ? Lower Back
Relief for Chronic Pain Naturally
Relief for Knee Pain

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Treating Muscle Spasms And Muscle Knots

It is widely believed in sports medicine circles that massage is a good muscle relaxer after intense exercise. Using massage to end pain from sports injuries or overuse including muscle spasms, cramps, sprains and strains helps to speed healing and relax the muscles.

A spasm is an unexpected, violent and involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles accompanied by a sudden burst of pain which is generally harmless but may interfere with function. It produces involuntary movement and distortion but ceases after a few minutes.

A spasm may occur due to a disease, strain, or injury to the muscle or nearby tissues. It could also be an impairment of circulation or disturbance of body chemistry which can be confined, severe or fairly generalized.

Painless or localized spasms are called tics. This involuntary movement of muscles, usually of the face, may seem to be a natural reaction or response to a certain stimulus but eventually, it will happen automatically even without any reason at all. Spasmodic muscle contraction may also be due to a large number of medical conditions, however, including dystonia.

Muscle spasms occur early after an injury takes place. It is characterized by a tightening of muscles in the area which could be painful at times but not always. Later on, when the basic injury is not fixed, muscle spasms form muscle knots which are painful and become part of the problem. Oftentimes, it is this pain from the muscle knots that pushes a person to seek muscle relaxer treatment. This is the case with injuries to the neck and back.

Muscle knots, also known as myofascial trigger points in medical term, are abnormal areas within the muscle which cause pain. There is still not much information as to what muscle knots really are. However, doctors made some biopsy test by cutting a piece out of muscle knots and results showed that some abnormal protein deposits seemed to be present in the sample tissue. Some treating practitioners believe that there is excessive connective tissue in these areas, but there is little evidence in the (unfortunately few) studies that have been done to support the idea of excess connective tissue.

The knots form because the spasm keeps the muscle working continuously around the clock which is beyond normal body function. Generally, our bodies move in normal activities with different muscles working in cycles. Since the muscles are not designed for such continuous work, time will come when muscle work overloads and forms these knots. That is why it is important that spasm is treated with available muscle relaxer treatments to help reduce this problem.

Treatment of muscle spasms and muscle knots must be done in close coordination with a medical professional or therapist. Aside from a relaxing massage, exercise is an important muscle relaxer method to help with muscle spasms and muscle knots. However, exercise and massage can become uncomfortable but the patient is expected to feel better later.

The treatments for muscle pains are as diverse as the causes. From over-the-counter and prescription drugs to mind-body techniques to acupuncture, if one approach doesn’t work, another one might. But when it comes to treating chronic pain, no single muscle relaxer technique is guaranteed to produce complete pain relief. Relief may be found by using a combination of treatment options.

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Facts on Lower Back Pain

In the United States, lower back pain is one of the leading causes of disability, which is supported by the statistics that in every 10 individual, eight may be showing signs of the condition.

Paradoxically, the extent of pain has nothing to do with the intensity of damage afflicted on the patient. Unlike with acute ailments and disease, chronic lower back pain is generally not associated with the height of damage accumulated. A large herniated disc may be relatively painless whereas muscle spasm due to back strain can be a reason for excruciating back pain.

The sponsors for lower back pain may be extremely complex. In most cases, people suffering from it cannot exactly point out the location of concentrated pain or what they exactly feel. This is due to the reason that there are a number of underlying structures located at the lower back that may cause the pain. Listed below are several parts of the spiral anatomy that may be the reasons for pain:

? Irritation on the large nerve roots located at the low back that are connected to the arms and the legs.

? Irritation in the smaller nerves in the lower back spine.

? Strain at the erector spinae, also termed as the large lower back muscle.

? Injury/ies on the joints, ligaments and bones.

? Injury at the intervertebral disc.

There are cases however that the lower back pain is felt and suffered from yet there are no known anatomical cause or causes to relate the pain with. Though these types of lower back pain may not yet be fully recognized, immediate treatment must still be addressed. However, lower back pain may usually be associated with some general causes. An example of which is the muscle strain on the lower back or more specific diagnosable condition such as lumbar herniated disc or a degenerative disc disease.

Symptoms of lower back pain that are frequently related with surgical approaches:

? Bladder incontinence or sudden bowel movement
? Progressive weakening of the legs
? Continuous low back pain or abdominal pain
? Signs of fever and chills that are directly linked with lower back pain
? Caner cases
? Extreme weight loss
? Recent case of trauma, especially when severe

Many people take lower back pain for granted, either by own choice or they are impeded by some irreversible reasons like insufficient and the likes. However, early diagnosis and treatment generally prevent people from experiencing more excruciating pains and higher treatment costs.

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Easy And Effective Techniques For Leg Pain Relief

Pain is the body’s reaction to an injury or threat such as burning heat or a wound. The cause may be a physical injury, a disease, or it could simply be an emotional upset. Considered as a common complaint, leg pain is also a common symptom for a lot of different causes such as muscle spasms or cramps, injuries, dehydration, or the depletion of minerals like potassium, sodium, calcium, or magnesium. It can also be classified as inflammatory, orthopedic, neurological, and vascular.

Sometimes, we feel this terribly intense pain at the back of our leg while asleep. This is called a Charley horse or muscle spasm which is characterized by a tightening of leg muscles that seems like forming into a hard knot, making your leg difficult and painful to move. When a muscle is in spasm, it contracts involuntarily and does not relax.

When working out, always take a lot of liquids to avoid dehydration. Low levels of minerals and electrolytes in the body can also predispose a person to muscle spasms. Some spasms occur because the nerve that connects to a muscle is irritated. While tired, over-used or injured muscle is prone to spasms. Activities like swimming, running, and jumping can also trigger the condition.

When muscle spasms strike, stop your activity or whatever you are doing at once. Stretch and massage the affected muscle area. Both heat and ice are natural leg pain relief which can help relax the muscle and soothe the pain. Pain medications such as non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs can reduce discomfort when muscles continue to be sore. In severe cases, consult your health care provider for anti-spasm medications.

Some helpful tips to prevent muscle spasms:

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